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Five questions for Carla Vercher

Why is it important for you to attend FRUIT LOGISTICA every year?
FRUIT LOGISTICA is part of the history of our family-run company. We were coming to Berlin when the event was still part of the Green Week. Over the years it has grown in importance. It is an important meeting place for the fruit and vegetable sector and the entire value chain.
Looking back, which encounters and experiences stand out at the fair?
The first time I visited the fair I was 17. I still recall how impressed I was with all the stands from around the world. I saw fruit I had never seen before and was fascinated by the unique and lively atmosphere. The trade fair has become an important meeting place for the entire world. Thinking about February means thinking about Berlin. For us, FRUIT LOGISTICA is three days of meeting lots of people and making important decisions. The trade fair helps us save time and travelling. On the stand we can show people our products and who we are. That is why the fair is very important for Bollo.
Where do you currently see the biggest challenges?
Spain’s fruit and vegetable production is huge. Because we produce in Europe, the distances for transporting goods are short. We can harvest products just when they are ripe and ship them with a comparatively low carbon footprint. At the same time we are able to export our products around the world because we know how to handle that. However, we cannot afford to stand still, as we have lots of competitors worldwide. We live in an age of efficiency and agility. That means we need not only good products, but good management and financial controlling teams as well. Thinking globally and acting locally is more important than ever. The customer comes first. We have to focus on their needs and offer tailored solutions.
Is that where your marketing strategy comes in?
We love marketing and believe in differentiation and the importance of creating a brand. Over the past few years marketing has increased at an exponential rate. In addition to the traditional channels such as television, newspapers and street advertising there is the internet. It gives companies a lot of opportunities to promote their products and communicate with the customer. We are visible wherever our customers are and tailor our marketing activities to the specific market. For some years now we have also been advertising on Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn to explain who we are and the fact that fruit is not just a dessert but can also be a whole menu.
What role does sustainability play?
Nowadays, customers not only buy a product but an experience as well. They want to know who is behind it and are interested in the company’s values where sustainability and quality are concerned. We have developed a plastic-free product line for example and have reduced the share of plastic in our packaging. That is something we also communicate.