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“Our sector needs this“: Apply now for the FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award

At FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024 the Spanish UNICA Group presented a completely new vegetable variety called Zucchiolo. From the outside it looks like a small green pumpkin, while its flavour reminds one of cucumber. It can be eaten raw or cooked. Trade visitors were impressed and honoured the new product with the FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award (FLIA) 2024.

Two people in yellow hoodies kneel in front of a wall with products in their hands while writing ’Zucchiolo’ on the wall. They are smiling and taking part in an award ceremony.

Andrea Álvarez, Business Development Manager at Unica at the FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Awards 2024 ceremony.

What does the FLIA 2024 mean for your company?

This kind of recognition is very important for our sector, especially now that fruit and vegetables are fighting for their place on the supermarket shelf. It shows that marketing and innovation are top of the agribusiness agenda. I can say with some pride that at Unica they are definitely a driving force. The award is a very useful way to show society how important our sector is - from producers all the way to the consumer.

How much effort was it to create Zucchiolo?

It actually wasn’t easy. Without the farmers who took a huge risk and were the first to plant Zucchiolo, we would never have won the award. It was an all-round team effort by geneticists, farmers, technicians, the packaging department, marketing, quality control and customers. Before we were able to launch Zucchiolo we carried out extensive research into both genetics and cultivation techniques. We tested a wide range of growing conditions with various producers. Basically, we conducted in-depth studies – on agricultural aspects and marketing.

What do you mean by that?

The path to marketing a product can differ from country to country, as consumer habits and aspects of demand vary. We positioned and communicated the product in different ways as a result. Every year many new product variations arrive on the market, but introducing a completely new type of vegetable to consumers is even more difficult. Put another way, we first had to teach people to accept a new food product

How has the FLIA affected your business?

As a marketing instrument, the FLIA definitely helped us to attract new customers who had never seen Zucchiolo before, let alone tried it - including retailers we had not worked with before. Farmers and leading chefs worldwide approached us about Zucchiolo. And naturally, we placed ’FLIA’ prominently on the packaging and Unica’s head office. It spreads the message and makes us trustworthy, as it is a prestigious award from an independent jury - the trade visitors at the show. Demand was overwhelming

Would you say innovating in the fruit trade is worthwhile?

Unfortunately, agribusiness is an industry that relies heavily on tradition and is often content with the status quo. However, we face challenges that require innovation - competition from third countries, labour shortages and talent retention. And there is a growing consumer market that is constantly on the lookout for new ideas to bring fresh inspiration to food – be it new flavours, colours, shapes or ingredients... Who doesn't want to have fun cooking, given the chance?

Applications are open until 15 November 2024

Are you an exhibitor at FRUIT LOGISTICA and would like to win the fruit and vegetable trade’s most prestigious award? Then submit your application for the FLIA or FLIA Technology. A jury will select and nominate the five best innovations in each category, which will subsequently be presented to

  • over 66,000 trade visitors at FRUIT LOGISTICA,
  • over 300,000 visitors to the FRUIT LOGISTICA website,
  • over 100,000 followers on the social media channels of FRUIT LOGISTICA
  • and international dailies and trade publications.

Apply now