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Organic Route
The Organic Route enables trade visitors to specifically reach exhibitors with certified organic products
Organic is booming
In the past ten years, organic food sales have more than doubled. Worldwide, the purchase of organic products is becoming increasingly popular - global sales have seen continuous growth in recent years.
This trend is also reflected in the annually growing numbers of registered exhibitors with organically certified products. Our free Organic Route registers steadily more participating exhibitors every year.
Your individual Organic Route
Put together your Organic Route on our digital industry platform FRUIT LOGISTICA Online. The relevant exhibitors are highlighted there with the Organic Route symbol.
You will find suppliers of certified organic end products in our online catalogue as of November.
Look out for the Organic Route symbol. The symbol is both a signal and a signpost. It identifies exhibitors with certified organic products.

Conditions of participation for exhibitors
Prerequisite: Certificate for fresh organic products
Do you have a fresh organic product in your portfolio with which you would like to participate at FRUIT LOGISTICA?
In the course of your stand registration in the exhibitor portal, you can apply for the Organic Route and upload your organic certificate or send it to the following email: You will receive a reply in due course stating whether you have been accepted as an exhibitor for the Organic Route.
Please note, that the following products are not authorised for the Organic Route:
- Organic packaging,
- organic fertilisers,
- certified organic preservatives,
- processed products & oils etc.
- Machines
The organisers of FRUIT LOGISTICA reserve the right to exclude exhibitors from participation in the Organic Route if all the above conditions for participation are not met.

Petra Zörner
T +49 30 3038 2363
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Messe Berlin GmbH
Messedamm 22
14055 Berlin