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Advertising & Sponsoring

Elevate your brand at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2026!

Take advantage of our premium advertising opportunities and put your business on the map - both onsite and online.

A detailed overview of all services and offers is available from approx. June 2025. Current availability upon request:

Sponsoring the WIFI package
Leave a lasting impression and become a big eye-catcher – all-over the exhibition grounds! The offer will be available online from June 2025. Alternatively, you can contact us directly.

Online advertising
Use our digital channels and showcase your deepest brand message to a large audience before, during and after the show and extend your reach far beyond the event.
Our Fruitful Visibility Packages perfectly combine a unique onsite and online presence. Get inspired here!

Let’s explore the possibilities together!

We offer tailored solutions to maximize your impact and enhance your all-round performance. With our advertising options, we give you the tools to make your brand unforgettable.

Contact us today and bring your presence to the next level at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2026!



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