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Welcome to the press area

Press contact

Susanne Tschenisch

Susanne Tschenisch

PR Manager
+49 30 3038 2295

Malena Wiegmann

Malena Wiegmann

PR Operations Manager
T. +49 30 3038 4638

Press FAQ

Susanne Tschenisch

PR Manager
T. +49 30 3038 2295

Maria Hanselle

PR Operations Manager
T. +49 30 3038 4562

The Media Center is located in Hall 6.3 and offers around 150 workstations. Take advantage of the free WLAN, workstations with LAN connections, a café with a cosy lounge area and plenty of seating that can also be used as workstations if required.

Accredited media representatives* will receive a digital parking ticket upon presentation of their press accreditation. Please contact:

Cloakrooms are located at the following places:

  • Entrance Hub27 (Jafféstrasse)
  • Entrance Halle 7.2 - City Cube (Messedamm)
  • North Entrance (Hammarskjöldplatz)
  • Entrance South (Jafféstrasse)

Costs: You can use this service free of charge on presentation of your accreditation.

Please note: Please remember at which cloakroom you handed in your belongings. This cannot be seen on the cloakroom tokens.