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Travel & Accommodation

Get to FRUIT LOGISTICA in Berlin easily

For travelling to and from FRUIT LOGISTICA, we are working with our partners Deutsche Bahn and Lufthansa. Both partner companies offer you discounted travel tickets, shortly before the event and a few days afterwards.

You can book Deutsche Bahn's offers at (Arrival/Departure -> Train) and Lufthansa's flights at (Arrival/Departure -> Plane) in the run-up to FRUIT LOGISTICA.

We wish all visitors a safe arrival and departure as well as a relaxed stay in Berlin.

2 women take a selfie in front of the north entrance of Messe Berlin
Lanyards with the FRUIT LOGISTICA logo
Display stand with lettering #FL24
Harvesting machine

Hotel bus shuttle

The hotel bus shuttle will operate during FRUIT LOGISTICA from 4 - 6 February 2026.

Airport shuttle

Our airport shuttle is free of charge and brings our trade visitors from the BER airport to our exhibition grounds.

Warning about unofficial providers

The service providers Exhibition Housing Management (EHM) and Exhibitors Housing
Services (EHS
) are contacting exhibitors, visitors and other participants of our events by phone or emails to offer hotel reservation services. Due to the timely proximity to FRUIT LOGISTICA you might get the impression that these companies are official Partners of FRUIT LOGISTICA and that hotel rooms are already registered.

Due to several notices by our clients we wish to make clear that these companies are not affiliated with FRUIT LOGISTICA in any way. Neither are these companies official partners of FRUIT LOGISTICA, nor have we passed on your contact details to them, or made any pre-reservation in your name. Please be warned not to sign anything sent by these companies.

Besides the costs for the hotel reservation they also charge high service prices. At the same time the strict and complicated cancellation policies they have makes it difficult to make changes regarding already made hotel reservations.

If you are interested in hotel reservation services please contact our official accommodation service.

Currently exhibitors are increasingly receiving offers from various providers via e-mail to purchase trade visitors’ subscribing lists - including extensive data. We would like to point out that Messe Berlin is not connected in any way to these companies or provides such lists. The transfer of personal data is not permitted and can be prosecuted.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the FRUIT LOGISTICA team. Send us your request to or contact the foreign representative in your country.

We wish to make clear that Messe Berlin is not connected in any way whatsoever to the publishers of the Expo Guide, International Fairs Directory, EVENT FAIR or Fair Guide.

For the FRUIT LOGISTICA the Catalog Partner is exclusively:

  • Fruitnet Media International GmbH

Important information for exhibitors of Messe Berlin regarding inofficial indices of exhibitors:

AUMA Information (PDF, 165.1 kB)
Information about inofficial indices of exhibitors (PDF, 229.9 kB)


Messe Berlin GmbH
Messedamm 22
14055 Berlin