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Orders for your Exhibition Presence

Our service platforms

We have compiled the most important information for you to ensure that everything runs smoothly, from planning to set-up to the days of the fair: Here you will find all ordering options for your trade show participation.

Please note that separate logins or registration data are currently still valid for each portal. In the respective portals you will find contacts who can help you with any questions.

We are already working on fully integrating all services, such as our current exhibitor shop, into the new exhibitor portal, so that you will be able to manage all services in one portal in the future.

BECO Webshop FRUIT LOGISTICA Online Ticket Shop VisiFair
Orders and services for exhibition presence Online platform and app: Your company entry and advertisement Redemption voucher codes and purchasing tickets Entry to the exhibition grounds/ booking a loading zone
  • Stand construction and equipment
  • Suspensions
  • Stand cleaning, waste disposal
  • Water, electricity
  • Personell, stand supervision, catering, insurances
  • Passes and parking services
  • Logistics
  • Communication services
  • Permissions
  • Company profile upgrades
  • Advertising space in the app
  • Advertising space in the list of exhibitors
➤ Redemption of voucher codes for
  • Exhibitor passes
  • Set-up and dismantling passes

➤ Purchase tickets for
  • Welcome Party
  • Gold Upgrade
  • Trade visitor tickets

  • Booking of loading zones
BECO Webshop FRUIT LOGISTICA Online Ticket Shop VisiFair

Got questions? Contact us.

Contact our team or our international representative if you have any questions.


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Messe Berlin GmbH
Messedamm 22
14055 Berlin